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Review journal: Everything about American Culture you wanted to know

America is seen as a nation of immigrants, "a nation of Immigrants". Most of the immigrants have ancient origins from Europe and has built up the American society today, they still account for the majority ever since. However the number of peoples and nations in the US are numerous and each city, the rate of re-divide it differently.

America is vast and populous. Review journal with over 9 million square kilometers and a population of approximately 293 million people, the US is considered the 3rd most populous country in the world but every average family owns a large amount of land should generally presume that the US where "people landmass east". In the US, there are many types of climate, soil, lifestyle and different cultures. Just take an example from the East Coast to the West Coast of the United States apart from 4-6h clock and hot south is creeping north winds and snowstorms have. Therefore, depending on your preference you can choose where in and where appropriate recreation.

Notwithstanding the diversity of culture in the US, but the US still have a separate cultural identity that you might not have experienced only when you come to America. That can not exaggerate through films, consumer products make certain aspects which you already know.

Here we will learn about the American culture preliminary:

1. The belief of Americans

Americans believe that all people are equal and have equal rights in life. Everyone will be treated equally and with the same level of respect. This is one of the most basic principles of American philosophy.
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Each person is an individual freedom. Americans do not believe in those ideals or general style. Individual and personal symbols are often revered and encouraged.

The competition to create the best people and the best jobs. Competition is a philosophical principle in America. "Only the strongest creature, the best can survive the competition for survival."

Only you can decide who is your life and how your future is. Americans generally do not believe in luck or fate. They are proud of personal accomplishments achieved.

The change is a necessary and good. It will bring progress and improvement. Old traditions are often not appreciated in the US as in other countries.

The best thing in America is honest and forthright. In other cultures, it is often said that talking too straight or facts about a certain matter is impolite, but Americans prefer an open, frank, even given the mixed reviews and the the bad news.

When the decision is more important than sexual reasons. Most Americans prefer the conclusion "the bottom line". In other words, the most effective decision is the decision to create the most productive results, generally expressed in USD even coins.

2. The Americans love:

Their country. Americans are very patriotic. They are proud of their country and their way of life. They are also respected those who have and are serving in the military forces of the country.

Their spare time. Americans tend to have less free time than those in some other countries, but they appreciate what they have. They usually are esteemed for their time, for the family or the community. All weekends and holidays are usually teeming with activity.

Extracurricular activities. The US government generally preserved a large part of the land for US citizens to enjoy and have fun. Americans generally enjoyed outdoor activities annually. The popular activities depending on each region and state as canoeing, climbing, hiking, camping and skiing.

Sports activities. Americans usually have some professional athletes participate in pro sports activities than other countries many times. America loves to watch sports narrative sessions, on radio or on a radio link. They also enjoyed participating and playing sports are some of the sports teams of all ages and at different skill levels.

3. Student American higher education?

There are a number of American students are not equipped necessary knowledge portal entering college than other students. However, it is no less true in the US life easier?

The United States is a country with high living standards but this does not mean that all US citizens have been living a stable and prosperous. Many foreign visitors are amazed to learn that the majority of Americans work very hard but spend very little time to rest. Even some little spare time they spent for sports activities or your hobbies. They feel regret if for the time lapse in vain instead of the comfortable moments chatting with friends.

4. United States - the "land of freedom" and you can do anything you like?

The personal freedom of Americans always uphold and respect. But the first visitors arrived this land likely to feel confused by the complexity of social relationships. In 300 years, Americans always try to balance individual freedom with social prosperity. However, international students studying in this country really surprised by the multitude of principles prescribed for foreigners in any field that they need to pay attention and strictly abide by the living US.
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5. American society - a society irrespective of caste?

Although historically, the United States is not known to be a national class polarization. However the gap in economic terms has led to stratification between classes in society. Most Americans of the middle class, a small portion of the upper class and lower class tends to increase. But they still believe that hard work and good energy will always be rewarded.

6. Americans are all too confident?

In fact, the majority of Americans are confident style and does not hesitate to speak out their thoughts. Americans appreciate the honest and forthright. They also do not feel shame or anger problem when others criticized his comments with a positive attitude, respect and friendliness. They also like to argue or refuse to be honest than a polite yes but not sincere. Do not jump to conclusions rude Americans in part because it can communicate the differences in culture between nations. If someone tells you what you did wrong and only for the purpose of helping you become more complete, not intentionally make you feel ashamed before the crowd or hurt your self-esteem.

7. All Americans are wealthy?

The United States and any other country in the world have appeared different economic strata in society. You may feel surprised that an American student had to save money to study, how to live each day and have to face the financial problem is. Many American students have been trapped in usurious loans to pay for the period of study at the university. In fact, it could not give a definition of rich and poor students in the country because even the armor of poor students can also shop for from automobiles to computers or orchestra player.

Students with high academic qualifications and a greater ability to compete fairly in the learning environment at the university. Overall, US students have a lot of experience in attending the examinations and presentation of his opinions in class - this is really important skills that any foreign students should learn to do the same accumulate more experience for themselves.

8. Professor Americans are very friendly and sometimes students can call them by name!

In fact there are many American professors allow their students to call them by their names instead of as usual. However this does not mean that they do not require in your absolute respect. The polite, courteous and respectful in your attitude with professors in this country may be different from what you knew. It may be that the active participation in class discussions or willing to ask questions to the teacher when you have a twist. Watch how the indigenous students in contact with their professors, you will learn many useful things for the class time while studying in the United States.
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