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10 Amazing facts you wanted to know about America

Do you know why in the United States have 1 of every 3 people who are obese? Or the cause of 40% of children born in the families of single mothers? Full review journal

1. US population every 3 people will have one obese

You know, the reason why people in the US obesity rate so high because this is a country that is "King" fast food, according to statistics has revealed that about 22 million chickens are consumed each day, 404 686 m2 of pizza and fast food is extremely cheap prices. Not to mention, incredibly Americans like to eat cake and spread a lot of pastry shop as a diverse culinary culture. It's great but perhaps so that the prevalence of obesity in such high here!

2. 40% of children born to single mothers:

This is perfectly normal figure with Western countries because they have no constraints or preconceptions about the problem of single women so even 40% of children born in the families of single mothers is also nothing much different than other kids.

3. Many public trash:

Americans are very practical. To keep the streets clean, they are always to the large trash cans, no cap across the street to living garbage. In the market place or commercial center, the airport ... as well, the large bins will be left at many places, even sorting bins for organic waste available seats, to paper and place to place plastic bottles. Very convenient and hygienic, right? It's hard to find garbage in the street indiscriminately US is the great thing that many other States should learn immediately not you?

4. Policy Priority for people with disabilities

Do not use the slogan, American policy represents a priority in the lives of people with disabilities: car parking anywhere near the parking space and spend most destinations for people with disabilities, followed by parking spaces for women mothers of young children.

Any point in the US public also aisle / elevators / toilets ... reserved for disabled people with clear signage. In the supermarkets are available vehicles for people with disabilities, helping them move easily. American Meeting also easily take the bus, because the bus front door designs available boards (lowered and raised automatically) to the disabled to move a wheelchair.

5. America is where garbage biggest car in the world!

Did you know: Most Americans are shopping for a private car to get from one place to the other states were distant and rare public car? The price is very cheap cars in America, the poor can also buy a used car for a few thousand, and who has more than 10 thousand dollars can buy a brand new car, therefore, can find a car parking row across the empty lot ... like toys or doorstep regardless of day or night. With momentum consumed annually 16-17 million cars / year, the US can say where garbage is the biggest car in the world!

6. Line up is normal

Purchase, delivery, diner in a restaurant or even on toilet ..., where the Americans have a habit of queuing. At the bus stop or subway, though not queue, but everyone who came before the American forward, who came back to back in order. This is the culture of many countries enviable in the world because it confirms the public civilization of the American people how high.
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7. Always know thanks

"Thank you" - thank you - is the mouth of the Americans in every way and this is worth learning culture. Especially impressive is the habit thank the bus driver each time their American down car. when the car, the driver sits across the site, everyone will look at him (her) driver and say thank you, maybe even accompanied by the greeting "good day" (for the day) or "good night "(for the night). And in everyday communication, or just help make a good deal for American small, you do not need to wait they will thank you immediately a fun, comfortable.

8. The Americans are not napping

Americans have absolutely no siesta. Whether working in the office or freelancers, Americans spend lunch time is short - eat on the spot or eat outside the park near the workplace. Stay up late or get up early the habit of depending on each home, but Americans just sleep at night

9. World cheap food

American-style food sold everywhere and very cheap price. From hamburgers, fried potato cakes to pastries styles is also just a few dollars a meal no. Coffee cups biggest McDonald also only $ 1 only. But want to eat Asian dishes to arrive focus Vietnamese or common people is to ChinaTown. An Asian meals cost at least 10 USD / person (if you only eat a piece) or more than 20 USD / person (if you choose family rice), not including tip (from 10% -15% on the invoice, depending each place). The "market" selling American food is always near residential areas, cheap (especially chicken).

10. Reserve versatile paper

Americans only reserve is the most versatile paper. Americans do not use cloth rags or kitchen fixtures that use paper as the "rag" versatile. Apart from large rolls of paper, the Americans always reserve a few boxes wet towels - soaked alcohol disinfectants available - indoors. Paper alcohol wipe all: from furniture, digital technology to the stove and the toilet
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