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Top strange US cuture facts

Find out more about US cuture for kids. Get information about top strange US cuture facts:

  • HUGE portion sizes of food.
  • Flags everywhere. EVERYWHERE. It may be weird but fact of life in the US.
  • Wearing the flag as a bikini.
  • Price tags without tax included. “How do you know how much you’re spending until you get to the cashier?”
  • Tipping is confusing.
  • Advertising for prescription drugs, as in “ask your doctor for brand x.” In the U.K., “your doctor tells you what drugs you should take, not the other way around.”
  • Everything being designed around cars.
  • The “sheer amount” and lack of quality of TV commercials.
  • Aerosol cheese.
  • Americans saying “oh, really?”, which to us is a way of saying “Interesting, can you elaborate?” In other parts of the world, that phrase is generally meant to imply that what they’re saying is being challenged.
  • Toilets that are too close to the floor and have “massive gaps around the door so that people can see in.”
  • Pickles given with everything.
  • College football players being treated as celebrities. They are “students that do an extra-curricular activity.”
  • Jaywalking is a crime.
  • The bread in the U.S. is very sweet.
  • Soft drinks are free flowing. Beverages at McDonald’s and elsewhere come with unlimited refills. Want to enjoy the best collection of science facts on our site to widen your knowledge?
  • Apparently we’re really loud but friendly!
  • Way too much water in toilet bowls.
  • A blase approach to credit card security. Signatures don’t matter and no one uses a PIN.
  • The “creepy” Pledge of Allegiance sounds weird with children chanting it.
  • Lawyer advertisements everywhere.
  • According to the Japanese, our meals are “flat to the taste” and “sweet, high fat, high calories [sic] things.”
  • “Manners with cars in America are really damn good. Japanese people should be embarrassed when they look at how good car manners are in America.”
  • Nobody talks about grades here.
  • We are private about our accomplishments and failures.
  • The retail experience isn’t as fun as it is in India. They have personal shoppers because labor is cheap.
  • Students aren’t competitive with each other, but collaborative.
  • Strong ethics. Everyone has a lot of integrity, according to an Indian student, particularly in regards to schoolwork.
  • Rich people are thin and well-maintained while poor people are fat. Even the Indian student knows that this is because cheap food is fatty and it’s “expensive to be healthy in America.”
  • You receive better customer service if you are “well maintained.”
  • Girls aren’t as promiscuous as portrayed in Hollywood.
  • Everyone has access to basic food, clothing, water, and sanitation.
  • Dearth of African-Americans in tech fields.
  • We waste a lot of food.
  • Obsession with coffee.
  • The way we price our products makes “no apparent economic sense and is not linear at all.” Example: one Coke is $1 and 12 cans of Coke is $3.
  • You can “literally buy anything, including food, and return it within 90 days for a full refund” even without a specific reason for doing so.
  • The sheer volume of different varieties of pizza in the grocery stores.
  • Soda being cheaper than bottled water.
  • Our rest areas.
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